The Sunshine Coast’s oldest established orchid society.

Est. 1955.

Nambour Orchid Society


We are so pleased you found the Nambour Orchid Society website. We know you will enjoy learning about our club and viewing the many spectacular photographs of our members’ flowering orchids and allied plants. 

The Nambour Orchid Society is made up of over 100 members who live in Nambour, other areas on the Sunshine Coast, and its beautiful hinterland. Our members vary in orchid growing knowledge and experience; from beginners of all ages, to growers with a lifetime of orchid growing experience. We learn so much from each other and all our members love to share their growing tips.  

We hope you find what you are looking for on our website. We would like to take this opportunity to offer a personal invitation to you to attend our next meeting and enjoy a very social time. It’s a chance to meet like-minded people who love their orchids and plants, who will make you feel a part of the club and help you grow even more beautiful plants. 

You will find our Club’s objectives on the About Us page and see that we are an integral part of the Sunshine Coast community in which we operate. Our members are proud of the financial support we give to our chosen charity. 


We Meet

All members, prospective members and visitors are welcome to our meetings held on the Sunshine Coast. Our monthly cultural meetings are a great place to meet fellow orchid enthusiasts, hear from guest speakers & experienced growers, and share our love of orchids.

Prospective members can attend as visitors for three meetings before making a decision about joining.

We Connect

Our Society holds community Orchid Shows regularly throughout the year on the Sunshine Coast. The public is encouraged to ask questions and seek growing tips from our members who are our Show Stewards.

Plant sales are a focus of all our shows. Plants are provided for sale at our Shows and our Meetings by our nursery partners and our members.


Our Knowledge

Our passion for growing orchids and sharing our collective knowledge is our focus.

Every month our members contribute articles sharing their thoughts and experience of orchid and allied plant growing on the Sunshine Coast.

From growing tips and tricks, to orchid news from around Australia and the world, there is a wealth of material available.

Our Patrons

Beryl and Graham Robertson

Graham & Beryl, of Robertson Orchids, are long-time active life members of the society and heavily involved with the local Sunshine Coast community.

In 2017 Beryl was presented with a STOCQ award for services to judging; in fact, she was one of the first students to join the STOCQ judging course after STOCQ was formed.